/ Sample Store - Choose goods

Liberty Reserve Sample Store

Merchant's account number:
Store name:

Simple Mode (with no lr_store, lr_status_url or payment verification)


First Sell Item

Only for $0.05

Simple payment form with hardcoded URLs.

Second Sell Item

Only for $0.10

This example allows you to use different success and fail URLs than those that were set in your script.
Success URL:
Fail URL:

Advanced Mode (with lr_store and lr_status_url and payment verification)


First Sell Item

Only for $0.05

In this example URLs are not set in the script. LR will use the ULRs set in your store.

This is the most secure option.


Second Sell Item

Only for $0.10

This example allows you to override the success and fail URLs that were set in your store.

Status URL will be retreived by LR from your SCI store.

Success URL:
Fail URL:

Third Sell Item

Only for $0.15

This example allows you to override the status URL that was set in your store. Success and fail URLs will be retreived by LR from your store settings. You may also enter your email instead of a URL.

Enter email in the following format: "mailto:myname@example.com"

Status URL: