Damai KriSTus Part 7
Damai KriSTus: Currently in the room: ll-ferociouzz_10-ll, khezluv_90, batrez, ll-ferociouzz_05-ll, xtrsyz, diamond_goldlion, ll-ferociouzz_02-ll, ll-ferociouzz_04-ll, arms, kukuh_777, ll-ferociouzz_06-ll, iron_goldlion, emerald_goldlion, ll-ferociouzz_01-ll, ll-ferociouzz_09-ll, nezza_12, ll-ferociouzz_03-ll, ll-ferociouzz_07-ll, strom_goldlion, trix-_-ferociouzz, ll-ferociouzz_08-ll, dh3____, war_abilyty, trix_goldlion, j3d3
Damai KriSTus: xtrsyz has entered
Damai KriSTus: nezza_12 has left
Damai KriSTus: Currently in the room: ll-ferociouzz_10-ll, khezluv_90, batrez, ll-ferociouzz_05-ll, xtrsyz, diamond_goldlion, ll-ferociouzz_02-ll, ll-ferociouzz_04-ll, arms, kukuh_777, ll-ferociouzz_06-ll, iron_goldlion, emerald_goldlion, ll-ferociouzz_01-ll, ll-ferociouzz_09-ll, ll-ferociouzz_03-ll, ll-ferociouzz_07-ll, strom_goldlion, trix-_-ferociouzz, ll-ferociouzz_08-ll, dh3____, war_abilyty, trix_goldlion, j3d3
khezluv_90: 😐 😐
trix-_-ferociouzz: tak lock aja
khezluv_90: 😐 😐
khezluv_90: 😐
arms: (thumbsup) 😀 sip
dh3____: TIARAP!!8-)
xtrsyz: war_ability punya tapa?
khezluv_90: Bguz:~
Damai KriSTus: panzer01 has entered
trix-_-ferociouzz: biar gag pda mondar mandir
trix-_-ferociouzz: gag twT
arms: tiarape :p
xtrsyz: ok
war_abilyty: Ngentot yuk
Damai KriSTus: panzer01 has left
trix-_-ferociouzz: jgn di list ya T:">
xtrsyz: panser?
arms: :-#
Damai KriSTus: en_giezero has entered
Damai KriSTus: A vote to kick war_abilyty has been started by ll-ferociouzz_02-ll. 6 more votes needed, 60s remaining
Damai KriSTus: war_abilyty has been kicked
j3d3: Panya q.
arms: tembak :d joe
j3d3: Pke hp aja kok.
trix-_-ferociouzz: hupamate maho:D
khezluv_90: Mank lw pny titit war?^o)
Damai KriSTus: kukuh_777 has left
khezluv_90: Jiah keked dluanx:)
arms: (thumbsup) B-)
Damai KriSTus: coco_ has entered
arms: 😀
j3d3: Asem kamarq semut tok.
khezluv_90: %)
trix-_-ferociouzz: jah tak lept in aja.koneksi putus" truz
Damai KriSTus: en_giezero has left
Damai KriSTus: putra.96 has entered
coco_: 😮
Damai KriSTus: iron_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: emerald_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: diamond_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: strom_goldlion has left
arms: tha2 multi :d/
trix-_-ferociouzz: satu":D
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_1_-hehehe has entered
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_2_-hehehe has entered
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_4_-hehehe has entered
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_05_-hehehe has entered
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_7_-hehehe has entered
khezluv_90: Pulsa gw:(
trix-_-ferociouzz: ndak khez marah:">
Damai KriSTus: trix_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_05-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_06-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_10-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_09-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_07-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_08-ll has left
coco_: admin:o
Damai KriSTus: x02_k1ss-b4-k1ck_lhl has entered
Damai KriSTus: x09_k1ss-b4-k1ck_lel has entered
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_010_-hehehe has entered
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_08_-hehehe has entered
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_8_-hehehe has entered
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_3_-hehehe has entered
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_10_-hehehehe has entered
arms: :-#
khezluv_90: (confused)
Damai KriSTus: x03_k1ss-b4-k1ck_lol has entered
Damai KriSTus: x02_k1ss-b4-k1ck_lhl has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_02-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_03-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_04-ll has left
xtrsyz: punya tapa?
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_01-ll has left
arms: :-#
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_6_-hehehe has entered
Damai KriSTus: x03_k1ss-b4-k1ck_lol has left
Damai KriSTus: john_net has entered
Damai KriSTus: x.628998859358.x has entered
Damai KriSTus: x.628998859364.x has entered
Damai KriSTus: x.628998859368.x has entered
trix-_-ferociouzz: xt qmu dh brapa dolar:D
coco_: wb radixal:x
xtrsyz: itu punya tapa?
khezluv_90: Lep ajj dh(confused)
arms: d0lar :-#
trix-_-ferociouzz: coco:D
khezluv_90: Jbu(confused)
xtrsyz: $1000
coco_: **coco_ drools. Mmmmm…..**
hehehe-_1_-hehehe: <<coco:d
hehehe-_3_-hehehe: <<coco:d
hehehe-_2_-hehehe: <<coco:d
hehehe-_10_-hehehehe: <<coco:d
hehehe-_010_-hehehe: <<coco:d
arms: jbu kez :d
dh3____: Bnyk multilasi, bunuh diri ah. Gbu all:\
xtrsyz: hehehe punya tapa?
coco_: taek:/
xtrsyz: pv ak yg punya
arms: duh kbelet nge2 :d7 :"> ntar ea
Damai KriSTus: dh3____ has left
xtrsyz: ok
Damai KriSTus: hero_91 has entered
Damai KriSTus: khezluv_90 has left
trix-_-ferociouzz: bagi T:'(
arms: **arms will be right back**
hehehe-_4_-hehehe: <<coco:d
hehehe-_08_-hehehe: <<coco:d
hehehe-_7_-hehehe: <<coco:d
hehehe-_6_-hehehe: <<coco:d
hehehe-_8_-hehehe: <<coco:d
hehehe-_05_-hehehe: <<coco:d
coco_: multy gw mah gk jelek gtu(drool)
Damai KriSTus: arms has left
trix-_-ferociouzz: fanie:p
xtrsyz: punya tapa?
hero_91: Shalom. :p
xtrsyz: ngaku?
xtrsyz: yg punya pv ak
j3d3: Ga usah mcem2:/
trix-_-ferociouzz: dr downline.na dpt brapa gt T^o)
j3d3: Ga usah mcem2:/
putra.96: Multy tpa ya..Koq yg jg skrng multy..
j3d3: Ga usah mcem2:/
j3d3: Ga usah mcem2:/
j3d3: Ga usah mcem2:/
hero_91: Trix. :p
hehehe-_9_-hehehe: <<coco:d
coco_: tai nih org,jual nama gw(dies)
Damai KriSTus: andhara_ayu has entered
Damai KriSTus: andhara_ayu has left
hehehe-_2_-hehehe: <<cocomberan mksd gw:P
hehehe-_010_-hehehe: <<cocomberan mksd gw:P
hehehe-_1_-hehehe: <<cocomberan mksd gw:P
hehehe-_3_-hehehe: <<cocomberan mksd gw:P
hehehe-_10_-hehehehe: <<cocomberan mksd gw:P
coco_: pv admin ah(drool)
hehehe-_4_-hehehe: <<cocomberan mksd gw:P
Damai KriSTus: j3d3 has left
hehehe-_05_-hehehe: <<cocomberan mksd gw:P
hehehe-_8_-hehehe: <<cocomberan mksd gw:P
hehehe-_6_-hehehe: <<cocomberan mksd gw:P
hehehe-_7_-hehehe: <<cocomberan mksd gw:P
hehehe-_08_-hehehe: <<cocomberan mksd gw:P
xtrsyz: brarti punya perusuh
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_10_-hehehehe has left
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_6_-hehehe has left
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_4_-hehehe has left
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_010_-hehehe has left
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_1_-hehehe has left
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_7_-hehehe has left
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_8_-hehehe has left
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_2_-hehehe has left
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_05_-hehehe has left
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_08_-hehehe has left
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_9_-hehehe has left
Damai KriSTus: batrez has left
Damai KriSTus: hehehe-_3_-hehehe has left
xtrsyz: /me save list Jan 10, 2009 11:30
xtrsyz: xtrsyz save list Jan 10, 2009 11:30
Damai KriSTus: x.628998859358.x has left
Damai KriSTus: x.628998859364.x has left
Damai KriSTus: x.628998859368.x has left
hero_91: ?
hero_91: Duwh dc dah gue.. (dies)
Damai KriSTus: john_net has left
Damai KriSTus: trix-_-ferociouzz has left
Damai KriSTus: menus-elek has entered
Damai KriSTus: ngga_puna_nama_au has entered
Damai KriSTus: putra.96 has left
Damai KriSTus: menus-elek has left
ngga_puna_nama_au: xt ^o)
Damai KriSTus: trix-_-ferociouzz has entered
trix-_-ferociouzz: digjul jebulex:)
Damai KriSTus: patre_cia has entered
Damai KriSTus: kzf___ has entered
trix-_-ferociouzz: wb cah ganteng
Damai KriSTus: hammr-smash has entered
hammr-smash: &)
Damai KriSTus: j3d3 has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_05-ll has entered
patre_cia: Chal0m
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_06-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: hammr-smash has left
Damai KriSTus: coco_ has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_02-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_01-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: trix_goldlion has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_09-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_10-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_04-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_03-ll has entered
j3d3: Nj4
Damai KriSTus: diamond_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: iron_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_08-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_07-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: strom_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: emerald_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_05-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_06-ll has left
hero_91: Leph dlu.Gbu.:p
j3d3: Trix
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_01-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_02-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_03-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_04-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_10-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_09-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: trix_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: hero_91 has left
trix-_-ferociouzz: ya Lek?
Damai KriSTus: hammr-smash has entered
j3d3: Ga usah pmeran.
hammr-smash: &)
patre_cia: 🙁
kzf___: loginB-)
trix-_-ferociouzz: aq ra pameran…
Damai KriSTus: diamond_goldlion has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_07-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_05-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: emerald_goldlion has entered
Damai KriSTus: iron_goldlion has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_06-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_08-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: strom_goldlion has entered
Damai KriSTus: hammr-smash has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_01-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: trix_goldlion has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_04-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_03-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_02-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_10-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_09-ll has entered
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_05-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_06-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: emerald_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: iron_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: diamond_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: strom_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_07-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_08-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: trix_goldlion has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_10-ll has left
Damai KriSTus: ll-ferociouzz_09-ll has left
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