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Who are you, anyhow? I Am that I Am. What is your name? I have many names: Father-Mother-Source-Allah-Divine Presence-Creative Energy-Supreme Being-God. Do you have a body? I am not a physical being. I am Spiritual Energy. How can I find you? You can feel my presence, if you become conscious …


White magic: Spirit-based, for the purpose of healing one’s self and others; emphasizes growth and guardianship; enhances, charms, protects Black magic: Ego-based, for the purpose of adding to one’s self-importance; emphasizes possessions and status; indulges, exploits, enslaves Grey magic: Belief-based, for purpose of acquiring attention or imposing a point of …


Physical Dimension: All that is visible, tangible, and measureable; the realm of the conscious (left-brain hemisphere) Astral Dimension: The invisible reality that supports manisfestation; the realm of the subconscious (right-brain hemisphere) Spiritual Dimension: The interconnecting foundation and source of all existance; the realm of the super-conscious (limbic system and prefrontal …